Click on a songtitle for lyrics, mp3s and more information. On the 200 lurkers Bandcamp page you can listen to our songs and download them either individually or by album.

The Amber of Memory
01. Silom
02. Wrong Tracks
03. The Ships
04. Lightning Flowers *NEW*
01. Take Turns
02. Feetfirst
03. Lavender
04. QI
05. Available Light
06. Cages
07. Sandy
08. Bound (Suzanne Vega cover)
09. Madonna of the Violets

Dialogues E.P.
1. Aglajan Sea
2. A Stubborn Life
3. Dialogues
4. The Ice Maiden
5. Stubborn Life Photonegative

The Space and the Sea
1. The Pilot
2. 1st Day Love
3. Was One
4. Breathing Water
5. Trees Lounge
6. Cold Smoke
7. Headcrash
8. The Little Lighthouse
9. The Nerves End at the Fingertips
10. Ohne Dich
11. The Last Guest

Moon Birds - B-Sides
1. Moon Birds
2. I Long To Hold Some Lady
3. When You Wish Upon A Starr
4. Space Walk
5. Nausikaa
6. Dialogues 2011
7. Moving
8. Cultural Studies II
9. Estra-Gone